Celebrating International Literacy Day with SitStayRead

One of the three pillars of the Dogtopia Foundation is youth literacy. The Dogtopia Foundation partnered with SitStayRead, a Chicago-based organization focused on ā€œadvancing childrenā€™s literacy skills using an engaging curriculum, certified dogs, and dedicated volunteers.ā€

September 8th is known as International Literacy Day and to celebrate, we spoke to SitStayReadā€™s Executive Directo Amy Taylor about the organization, their mission, and the importance of childrenā€™s literacy.

Q: How did you get involved with SitStayRead?

A: I was hired as the Executive Director in January 2021.  I was drawn to the mission because of the loving and inspirational way the organization approached teaching young kids how to read through dog-assisted learning.

Q: How long has SitStayRead been in action?

A: In 2003, three women active in the field of animal-assisted therapy needed a way to refocus the work of their aging dogs in a less active setting. Originally conceived as a community outreach program at Call of the Wild School for Dogs, the pilot was hosted at a local library.  The focus shifted shortly after to school settings with a specialized curriculum.  Since then, SitStayRead has served 18,800 students in 808 classrooms at 17 partner schools.

Q: Why is childrenā€™s literacy so important?

A: SitStayRead focuses on childrenā€™s literacy because it is the best way to ensure all kids have a chance to thrive in school and life. The achievement gap begins with the literacy gap, yet many children are not given the time and skills to build a foundation for reading to close the gap.  Here in Chicago, 60 percent of incoming kindergarten students are not adequately prepared in language and literacy skills upon entering school. We know this is the case for most children growing up in large urban areas. Children without the necessary literacy skills can fall behind quickly, and the consequences last a lifetime. Around third grade, the curriculum switches from focusing on learning to read to reading to learn. Children who are not reading proficiently by the fourth grade are four times less likely to graduate from high school on time ā€” hindering their chances to live a happy, healthy, productive life.

Q: What are some of the main benefits you see by allowing children to read to dogs?

A: By bringing dogs into the classroom, we see childrenā€™s social skills positively impacted.  Some of the  most noticeable benefits we see when children read to our dogs include improved self-confidence and communication, a reduction in stress and anxiety, and increased emotional development.  By creating a positive social environment, we make the process and practice of reading both enjoyable and meaningful.

Q: How does reading to dogs boost a childā€™s confidence?

A: By bringing dogs into the classroom, SitStayRead immediately creates a safe and fun environment. When children read to dogs, they have a nonjudgmental reading partner ready to receive the story. Dogs provide positive affirmation to kids by listening and cuddling to ensure children feel supported.

Q: What are some of the benefits the dog receives from listening to a child read, in your opinion?

A: Dogs also receive a positive social interaction and the bond of new friends outside of their owner.  Many of our literacy volunteers share that their dogs show excitement when they approach the schools and realize they are going to see the kids.

International Literacy Day brings awareness to the importance of learning and our studentsā€™ ongoing need of support. The Dogtopia Foundation is a proud partner of SitStayRead, an organization that is doing its part to ensure a bright future for students in Chicago Public Schools.

The Dogtopia Foundation greatly appreciates Amy Taylor for taking the time to answer a few of our questions. To learn more about SitStayRead or get involved with their initiatives, click here.

A Service Dogā€™s Impact On A Veteran With PTSD

Known as the invisible wound of military service, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has a profound impact on U.S. Veterans returning home. According to the National Center for PTSD, 11-20% of Veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan experience PTSD. This ā€œinvisibleā€ injury along with anxiety and depression make it difficult for Veterans to maintain relationships, hold down a job, and engage with their community.

There are four symptoms identified with PTSD but every Veteran experiences these very differently. Symptoms include reliving the event, avoiding things that remind them of the event, increase in negative thoughts and feelings, and feeling on edge.

Currently, the Veteranā€™s Administration provides treatment for PTSD with therapy and medication but has declined to cover the veterinary care for service dogs who assist Veterans with PTSD, like they do for service dogs who assist Veteranā€™s with physical disabilities. While there is abundant research on the benefits of service dogs for people with physical disabilities, the same cannot be said for understanding how a service dog impacts mental health. PTSD and other mental health issues are a top priority for the Veteranā€™s Administration who is working on a study to understand the effectiveness of a service dog versus an emotional support dog on the quality of life for Veterans with PTSD.

While the learnings are being compiled for release, many Veterans will tell you that having a service dog has changed their life. According to a recent Purdue study, ā€œVeterans who had a service dog reported significantly fewer symptoms of PTSD and better scores for psychological well-being, coping skills, and other measures of well-being.ā€

For Afghanistan Combat Veteran and recipient of a Dogtopia sponsored service dog, Russ, credits his relationship with Quinn (his goldendoodle) for stopping his nightmares and no longer needing to take 17 pills every day.

ā€œTo be honest with you, Quinn saved my life,ā€ said Russ. ā€œThereā€™s been times I have contemplated and a couple times Iā€™ve tried to commit suicide. With Quinn, I have someone who is counting on me now. Weā€™re in it together.ā€ Click here to watch Russ and Quinnā€™s moving story about their relationship.

Through the service dog sponsorship program, the Dogtopia Foundation and Dogtopia daycares are proud to work with Assistance Dog International certified service dog organizations that provide service dogs to Veterans experiencing PTSD and physical disabilities. Since 2018, 71 service dogs have been sponsored by Dogtopia daycares and their pet parents and 13 have been paired with Veterans after completing their two-year training.

We are so grateful for the support of our Noble Cause and seeing first-hand how enabling dogs to change our world is making a difference in not only the lives of these deserving Veterans, but all who support our service dog sponsorship program.

Join us in our Noble Cause and help sponsor a service dog for a Veteran! Click here to donate today.